Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Things

I have started a new project. I am still working on The Forgotten Series, but I also have something else up my sleeve. Something that, until Tuesday, I didn't think I would ever seriously commit to. What some people don't know about me is that I love Kansas more than any other place in the world. Sure, I am a little bias, but it's not like I've never been anywhere else in the world, because I have. I have been across the country and across the big pond, but nothing has swayed my love for my home state. I don't think anything ever really will. What does this have to do with my newest project, you may ask? Well, it has everything to do with my newest project.

I'm writing a book about Kansas. I guess that isn't exactly what I'm doing. I'm putting together a book about people of Kansas. The stories are their own, I am just merely writing it down. I want people to see that Kansas just isn't a bunch of flat land and farmers. But most of all, I want to know why people chose Kansas. Out of all 50 states in America, why did they come here, or more importantly, why did they stay? I will travel across the state, trying to find people living here that can answer my questions. At this point, all I have is an idea in my head, but my first interviewee is on Sunday.

His name is Larry Hatteberg. If you don't know who this is, well then, you obviously aren't from Southwest Kansas. Larry Hatteberg is an anchor for KAKE News based in Wichita, KS. I took a risk and asked him to be in the book, and he agreed. I am so excited for this opportunity (not to mention incredibly nervous). I will be traveling with my friend who has agreed to help me with the photography part of my book. We are going to meet Mr. Hatteberg at the KAKE station to conduct the interview. My only hope is that I don't fall down or break something expensive. This should be a valuable and educating experience for me. Mr. Hatteberg has first hand experience with the people of Kansas, and I know he will provide great insight for me.

As I said before, I'm not giving up on my first project. But, as my friend told me, "You have a new baby now." Well, I'll take this baby over a real baby any day. Ha! In all honesty though, I love The Forgotten Project, and I can't give up on brain would explode from all the unwritten information. I just really want to do this Kansas thing. I don't expect to gain riches and fame from this, and if it only lands on my parents kitchen table in the end, that would be okay. This is a big adventure for me. I'm excited to see parts of Kansas that I've never been too, and I'm determined to capture the beauty that I've seen my entire life, and continue to see every day.

Who knows, maybe I'll actually get to see this illusive antelope our state song is always talking about...


  1. That's awesome Chesney!! You can add my name to the coffee table waiting list, because I too share a love of this great state and especially Coldwater! Larry will be a great first interview and I bet a great resource as well...he has talked to so many people from KS! Good luck!

  2. Spose he'll interview you too?

  3. I love this, Chesney! What an amazing idea. I can't wait to read this one!

  4. There is nothing at all wrong with State pride ;) This sounds terribly interesting! You're proving that you don't have to hop a pond to find adventure!
