Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Magic Never Dies

I have thought about this post for a while now. I knew I would write about it eventually, but really, after spending nearly half of your life devoted to something, what can you really do to give the "goodbye" justice? Well, what I did first was dress up in a homemade robe and wait in a theatre for 4 hours with 100 of my closest friends.

I adore Harry Potter.

This could be the understatement of the century, but it is a good place to start nonetheless. I have spent countless hours reading the Harry Potter books and watching the movies throughout the years. I can remember pre-ordering the books and running down to the post office the moment mail was posted to pick it up. I have watched each movie at least 4 times in the theatre, and have rushed to the store at midnight the day the DVD came out. In short, I have had a love affair with this book series. Because of this, I lay blame on two people of this world: my parents.

First, and perhaps more importantly, I blame my Mother. She bought the first book for my brother and I, jump starting a 13 year addiction. I also blame my Father for buying each and every Harry Potter book I have because in his words, "You don't pay for books." I have always appreciated my parents encouragement and support when it comes to not only Harry Potter, but reading in general. To this day, I still receive books from my Mom, and Dad never fails to give me a gift card every Christmas to a bookstore. They have, in their own little way, given me something they never probably intended to give. They gave me the love of reading, and I can only hope to pass that love on someday.

To me, the end of Harry Potter means the end of my childhood. Sure, I'm 23 and have not been considered a child for a very long time, but with the Potter series, I got to hold on to that feeling for a bit longer than most. I'm not the only person who feels this way, just ask one of the millions of Harry Potter fans around the world, they will tell you the same thing. Harry Potter is arguably the greatest book series ever written (you can protest, but this is my blog, so I win). I even say this as I continue to work on my book series. I know that nothing will ever take the place of Harry Potter, and I will never try to do so. But it is my hope that someday, when it is all said and done, people will come to love reading my books just as I have loved reading Harry Potter.

This is my goodbye to a wonderful 13 years spent loving a world brought to life by an amazing author who inspires me with her story of perseverance and humility throughout her experiences. But, as most Harry Potter fans know, it's not really goodbye. Because even though we have hung up our house robes, stood up from our seats, and watched the credits roll on the big screen for the last time, we know one thing to be true...

The magic never dies.

1 comment:

  1. Ches--this post made cry. We love Harry Potter too! Danny and I both loved the books. I always read them first, and then waited VERY patiently for him to read them...he's not a frantic-must read-the-book-in-a-day kinda reader like I we could discuss them.
    At least we can always pull out a book and "visit".
    Can't wait to see the movie!
