Wednesday, December 28, 2011


There are 365 days in a year. We all know this. That means that for 365 days, we have a chance to learn and change our lives, or the lives of those around us. Now, I'm not sure if I did anything this year to change anyone's life, but I do know that as 2011 winds down, there are things that I've done and experienced that have changed my life and the lives of people around me.

Sometimes you have to know when to say, "Life really sucks right now."

Living in a small community has been one of the greatest blessings and worst curses I've had in my life. Knowing everyone within a 30 miles radius is great, until you start losing them. I think I have cried more in the last year than my entire 23 years on this Earth. Losing someone is never easy, but when that person is taken long before their time, you can't help but curse the world for being so cruel. I found myself wondering 'why?' several times this year, but eventually, I realized that I would never get an answer. People are taken from us out of the blue; others lose a battle that no amount of men could help win. All we can do is stay here and pick up the pieces of our broken hearts.

Sometimes you have to know when to say, "Wow. Is this really happening?"

I have been blessed with an enormous amount of opportunity. In a few short months, I will be able to tell people that I am a teacher. I will also hopefully be able to tell them that I am a writer. This year has been such a whirlwind for me. I've been so busy student teaching, and there have been times when I just wanted to quit because the pressure was too high. But then I stop for a moment and think, "Would you really want it any other way?" No, I don't think I would. My life has been on a constant do this, now do this track, that I really don't think I could survive any other way. During this year, I sent my first manuscript to a publisher, and I was REJECTED!! Yeah, yeah, most people probably think I should be sad. But what people don't realize is that authors are rejected time and time again before anyone even looks at a piece of their writing. This moment was important to me because although I was rejected, I tried. I never thought I would even do that. For me, it really was and is happening.

Sometimes you have to know laugh until your sides hurt.

I have cried and been overwhelmed more times this year than I can count. But, the only thing that surpasses those numbers are the number of times that I have laughed this year. I'm not a outwardly religious person. I don't believe in throwing my beliefs in someone's face, and I won't do it if I can avoid it. But just this once, I'll make an exception. I like to think that God gave us laughter not just to dry our tears or curb our suffering. I like to think that God gave us laughter because it represents the hope that we all need in our lives. Laughter represents that little ray of light we all need to know that things will get better. Because it will get better, it will. As long as we have sorrow, worry, and fear, I hope we never lose laughter and joy. This years winds down, and another year full of heartache, love, and laughter will follow it as it always has. But as I look to the new year, I have one final thing to remember.

Sometimes you have to know let go and live.

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